DAOM Tuition and Fees

Admission Fees

Application Fee (non I-20 Visa)                                                         $50.00

Foreign (I-20 Visa) Student Application Fee                                     $100.00

Late Application Fee (within 30 days of class starting)                     $100.00

Standard Fees Per Trimester

Clinic Fee (per trimester)                                                                    $95.00

Documents Processing /Transcript Fee (per trimester)                      $20.00

Library Fee (per trimester)                                                                  $25.00

Registration Fee (per trimester)                                                          $25.00

Student Malpractice Insurance (per trimester)

(can be waived if add CSTCM to current professional insurance)     $75.00

Technology Services Fee (per trimester)                                            $123.00

Circumstantial Fees (These fees are incurred under special circumstances)

Administrative Fees

Add/Drop Clinic Fee (after Registration)                                           $75.00

Add/Drop Course Fee (after Registration)                                         $25.00

Audit Fee (per course)                                                                        $100.00

Incomplete in a Course                                                                       $25.00

Late Payment Fee (charged monthly on accounts past due

15 days or more)                                                                                 $25.00

Late Registration Fee (any time after posted deadline)                      $100.00

Missing Academic Advising                                                              $50.00

Official Transcripts (other than graduation set)                                 $10.00

Returned Check Fee                                                                           $35.00

Student ID Card (replacement)                                                           $10.00

Withdrawal Fee                                                                                  $150.00

Transfer Credit

Transfer Credit Evaluation Fee                                                          $50.00

Transfer Credit per Course Fee (Non-CCM Courses, not to

exceed $500)                                                                                       $50.00

Examination Fees

Make-up Exams / tests / Quizzes (missed due to illness, etc.)           $40.00

Practical Individual Skill Evaluation Retake                                     $75.00

Re-Take Exam / Test / Quiz (previously failed)

(within 7 days of receiving score)                                                      $60.00

(after 7 days)                                                                                       $100.00


Entire DAOM program Tuition 1,215 hours (Cohort 2023)*                        $34,020.00 ($28/hour)

Entire DAOM program Tuition 1,215 hours (Cohort 2024)*                        $37,665.00 ($31/hour)

Entire program Tuition paid in advance (guarantees current

tuition rate for entire program)                                                           5% discount

Tuition and fees are subject to change at the start of each trimester only. Payment for each trimester is due the first day of class. Entire Program Tuition paid in advance guarantees the current tuition rate for the entire program. All fees are non-refundable

Total Cost of Program

Tuition (2023 Cohort)

$28/hour, total tuition $34,020

Fees: 1,728

Books & Supplies: about $1,000

Total Cost: $36,748

Tuition (2024 Cohort)

$31/hour, total tuition $37,665

Fees: 1,728

Books & Supplies: about $1,000

Total Cost: $40,393

Tuition Discount (only applies to tuition – not fees, books, or supplies)

Tuition paid in-full upon admission: 5% discount,

Faculty discount: There are different discount categories for faculty, up to $18,182.75 off depending on the faculty members years of tenure at CSTCM.

CSTCM Graduate discount: 10% discount, up to $3,766.50 off.